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Mapping of humanitarian capacities of OPDs and disability-focused NGOs

at Christian Blind Mission
Location Yaounde, Cameroon
Date Posted September 6, 2022
Category Administration
Job Type Contract
Currency CFA



CBM is an international Christian development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. The barriers persons with disabilities face are greatly amplified during conflict and disaster. CBM works with partners to implement disability-inclusive humanitarian responses to support those affected by humanitarian crises and to positively influence the work of the wider humanitarian community.

The project Phase 3 – Leave No One Behind, a consortia project with three partners including CBM, is a combination of global and local action that aims to benefit the entire humanitarian community by disseminating and operationalizing the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action through disability-inclusive programming. It builds on the results, good practices, lessons learned and identified needs of Phase 1 and Phase 2, and, on the other hand, on the profound experience of inclusive humanitarian programming by the lead agency Handicap International, also known as Humanity & Inclusion (HI) and Christoffel-Blindenmission Christian Blind Mission e.V. (CBM).

For Phase 3, HI, CBM and the third consortia partner, Ruhr-University Bochum’s Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV), will continue to develop and share their pooled technical expertise in the field of inclusive humanitarian action with German and international humanitarian organizations and their local partners, International Organizations (IOs)/ United Nations (UN) agencies and Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) not only in Germany but also in six piloting countries.

CBM-led activities are implemented in three piloting countries: Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon. For Nigeria, a mapping of OPDs has already been carried out by CBM-Global in 2022.

Evaluation Objective, Scope and Intended Use

The purpose of the mapping exercise is to assess and document the participation of national and local Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and national/local Disability-focused NGOs in humanitarian coordination as well as their capacities and understanding of disability inclusive Humanitarian Action. The mapping exercise will lay the foundation for further activities of CBM in the upcoming 2,5 years to strengthen the capacities of these organizations and to increase their involvement in the relevant humanitarian coordination mechanisms in Cameroon.

The study shall provide:

  • Brief overview of existing OPDs and disability-focused NGOs in Cameroon, including national representation structures
  • An analysis of the current involvement/participation of OPDs and disability focused NGOs involved in ongoing humanitarian programs (including sectors and regions) and humanitarian coordination
  • Provide an analysis of the barriers that hinder participation of persons with disabilities in humanitarian programming and coordination and the specific capacities building needs
  • Propose action steps to promote participation of persons with disabilities in humanitarian programming and coordination
  • Provide an analysis of the relevance of humanitarian action for OPDs and disability-focused NGOs

Scope of the study:

The study shall cover Cameroon which a specific (geographical) focus on regions with ongoing humanitarian crisis such as Far North, East Southwest Region and Northwest Region in Cameroon.

Audience and Intended use of the study:

The study shall inform further programming of CBM as well as other humanitarian actors to increase the participation of OPDs and disability-focused organizations in the wider humanitarian response.

The results of the study will be actively shared with relevant humanitarian actors and will also be discussed with OPDs and disability-focused organizations.

Guiding Research Questions

  • Is there a general interest of OPDs and disability-focused NGOs to get involved in humanitarian action? What are the main drivers for their interest or lack of interest?
  • What knowledge about humanitarian action, the humanitarian system and humanitarian coordination systems do OPDs, and disability-focused NGOs have?
  • Which are the main barriers that OPDs and disability-focused NGOs face for their involvement in humanitarian coordination and programming?
  • Are OPDs and disability-focused NGOs actively consulted or involved in humanitarian response coordination or planning? E.g., present in cluster coordination, involved as partners in humanitarian programmes, etc.
  • Are OPDs fully involved in humanitarian response (planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation)
  • Are there concrete examples where OPDs and disability-focused NGOs are involved in humanitarian programming and/or humanitarian coordination? Are there good practices/ innovative practices on active involvement?
  • Which are the main humanitarian actors that have already strong partnerships with OPDs and disability-focused NGOs?
  • Are OPDs and disability-focused NGOs active in specific geographical regions and what are the reasons?
  • Are certain OPDs and disability-focused NGOs (representing different types of disabilities) more active or not active at all in humanitarian action?


The study shall be implemented through:

  • a (desk-based) analysis of relevant policies, needs assessments, HRPs, (project) reports and documentations.
  • individual interviews and/ or FGDs with active members of local and national OPDs and local/national disability-focused NGOs
  • Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with national umbrella organizations of OPDs and relevant governmental, UN and civil society humanitarian actors

Depending on the safety and security situation it will be decided if interviews will be conducted remotely or on-site.

Expected Results

  1. An inception report outlining the detailed plan for the conduct of the study, incl. the methodology, related tools, stakeholder, and timeline.
  2. A final report (around 20 pages) containing analytical elements related to the issues specified in this ToR. The report shall contain an executive summary that can be used as stand-alone document for further distribution, and a main text, both inclusive of clear and concise findings and recommendations. Annexes should include a description of methods and the survey tools used, the list of interviewees, the actual execution schedule, a summary of survey results (if applicable), a bibliography, and any other relevant materials.
  3. A two-pager as well as a PowerPoint presentation that summarize the key findings (for potential external communication)
  4. An (online) presentation of the findings to a broader audience of CBM staff and partner staff.

All documents to be provided in an accessible format in English and French.

Expressions of Interest shall be submitted until Thursday, September 22nd 2022, to and and shall include:

  • Brief description of consultant or consultancy team
  • Detailed CVs of consultant or each suggested team member
  • Understanding of this TOR and suggested methodology
  • Availability of consultant / team and suggested schedule including outline of number of days within deadlines for work
  • Financial proposal including daily rate

Only complete applications will be considered. The contractor may ask for references and/or examples of previous work and reports during the recruitment process. The contractor reserves the right to terminate the contract in case the suggested and agreed upon team members are unavailable at the start of the evaluation and no adequate replacement can be provided.

Each team member, incl. interpreters, enumerators etc. need to fully comply with and sign CBM’s or the partner organization's Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy as well as commitment to data security and privacy.

Consultant (Team) Profile

  • Academic degree preferably in Social science, Human right/ Development Studies/ Humanitarian Action Disability studies/ any other related subjects with relevant work experience
  • At least 3 years of work experience in Displacement or Humanitarian Action or Disability Inclusion
  • Knowledge on and experience working with OPDs and NGOs (preferably: in developing countries)
  • At least 3 years of work experience with similar research projects
  • At least 2 years of work experience in Africa, preferably in West Africa
  • Strong analytical, communication and report writing skills
  • Fluently in English and French

Documents provided by CBM to the consultant after contract signature

  • Contact list of relevant partners and contacts of CBM in Cameroon
  • Background information on existing programmes of CBM in Cameroon
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